Magnesium is an element necessary for the proper development and functioning of the body. The most important function of magnesium in the body is its participation in the processes of synthesis and disintegration of high energy compounds, mainly ATP (adenosine triphosphate acid). Therefore, it conditions the supply of energy to the tissues and cells of the body, especially to nerve cells sensitive to its deficiency. Magnesium is also a coenzyme or activator of many enzymes. It participates in the course of many metabolic pathways associated with the transformation of proteins, lipids, carbohydrates and nucleic acids, and in electrolyte transport through cell membranes.
Magnesium is a calcium balance regulator and in combination with calcium and vitamin D it builds bones and teeth, preventing osteoporosis.
In addition, it has a positive effect on blood clotting processes, strengthens the cardiovascular system, regulates the development of the skeletal system, enhances the body’s defenses, improves digestion, prevents the formation of kidney stones and regulates thyroid function. Magnesium protects the body against toxic elements, including lead, cadmium or mercury found in vegetables and fruits from contaminated areas. It also regulates muscle tension, helps in the treatment of injury, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and has anti-stress effects. It also affects the improvement of concentration, memory and mood.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency:
The main symptoms of deficiency are: irritability, nervousness, palpitations, fatigue, insomnia, and repeated muscle cramps or vibrations of the eyelid.
Symptoms of excess amount of magnesium:
Excess magnesium can cause nausea and diarrhea, and with overdose it is also difficult to breathe, there is dizziness or coma. This is rare, because the more it is in the body, the less it is absorbed, and the excess mineral is removed by kidneys.
Sources of magnesium in food:
The main source of magnesium are cereal products, especially buckwheat. Magnesium in large quantities may also be found in legumes, nuts, cocoa, bitter chocolate, seafood, fish, cheese, dark bread, peas, spinach and bananas.
Supplementation with magnesium:
Supplements which contain magnesium:
Magnesium Malate Nutramedix, 120 capsules (NutraMedix) – product available here
Magnesium 600 mg 60 servings (Formeds) – product available here
Magnesium with vitamin B6 60 servings – product available here
Magnesium 250 mg, 100 tablets (Puritan’s Pride) – product available here
People with kidney problems should not take magnesium without consulting a urologist. It should not be taken by patients with atrioventricular block or hypotension. Caution should be exercised while administering magnesium and digitalis glycosides. Do not use in parallel with oral anticoagulants.