Teasel Root Therapy

Teasel Root gained great popularity in Germany in the twelfth century thanks to revolutionaries in the field of natural medicine such as Hildegard of Bingen It was mainly used in rheumatism, arthritis and gout. Currently, this plant has been particularly famous in the treatment of Lyme disease.

According to many recognized phytotherapists, it is an important plant helping in the fight against Lyme disease. Wolf-Dieter Storl in his book “Natural treatment of Lyme disease” very precisely describes health properties of the dipsacus  and pays particular attention to its use in the treatment of Lyme disease.

The roots and leaves of dipsacus  are rich in active compounds that have bacteriostatic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, immunostimulatory and protective effects on the liver parenchyma. Dipsacus strengthens the immune system, thus helping the body fight infection caused by Lyme disease.


Methods of preparation according to Wolf-Dieter Storl “Natural treatment of Lyme disease”:


Add 1 teaspoon of ground fresh or dried powdered roots to a cup of water and boil briefly. Drink 3 cups of brew per day on an empty stomach.



Freshly dug out root should be cleaned, but not peeled, because most of the active ingredients are in the root skin. Then the root should be carefully crushed, mashed, and then poured over with vodka and then left for maceration in a warm place for 3 weeks. To speed up the waiting process, you must crush the fresh root in the blender and then pour the alcohol. In this form you can drink the tincture the very next day. It is recommended to use 1 teaspoon of tincture three times a day.



For young children suffering from Lyme disease, neither a bitter brew nor a tincture containing alcohol is suitable. Dried powdered root can be mixed with honey and given to the child in this form.