Japanese knotweed, Bushy knotweed, Polygonum Cuspidatum, Hu Zhang.
Traditional uses of Japanese knotweed:
Antibacterial, antiviral, against spirochetes, fungi, trematoda. It stimulates and modulates the immune system, has anti-inflammatory effects, is a modulator of angiogenesis. It acts as a central nervous system relaxant, protects and has anti-inflammatory effects on the brain and spinal cord, it is also an antioxidant. The knotweed prevents and treats atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia. It has anti-carcinogenic, antimutagenic and chemotherapeutic properties. It also dilates blood vessels, prevents platelet aggregation, acts as an emitter, inhibits the synthesis of prostanoids. The Japanese knotweed is an inhibitor of tyrosine kinase, inhibits oncogenesis, is a means of reducing fever, an analgesic and protects the heart. It cures and prevents ulcers, slightly reduces the amount of stomach acid and protects against bleeding ulcers, is a hemostatic – prevents hemorrhages and normalizes blood circulation as an astringent. According to Buhner, it is one of the basic herbs used in Lyme disease.
Traditional uses of Japanese knotweed in the treatment of Lyme disease:
Japanese knotweed has specific properties in cases of Lyme disease:
- stimulates microcirculation, especially in the eyeballs, knees, heart and skin, which is why it is important when transporting active ingredients to places affected by the presence of spirochetes,
- reduces inflammation in tissues, so it reduces the impact of Borrelia bacteria in both the joints and the skin,
- protects the body against damage caused by endotoxins,
- helps reduce Herxheimer reaction,
- protects and improves the heart and reduces inflammation in the tissues, is helpful for cardiac symptoms in Lyme disease, such as: palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath and dizziness,
- reduces the body’s autoimmune reactions to Lyme disease,
- increases immunity,
- Polygonum cuspidatum components pass through the blood-brain barrier and exert influence on the central nervous system, where they act anti-inflammatory against the spirochete,
- reduces the production of reactive oxygen species in the brain and in the central nervous system,
- acts as antibiotics and antiviral drugs, with a wide range of applications, including the action against spirochetes,
- acts synergistically with other herbs or medicines for the treatment of Lyme disease,
- protects the integrity of the vascular endothelium against the Borrelia bacteria and coinfection factors, such as Bartonella.
Buhner recommends the Japanese knotweed in his base protocol for Lyme disease.
Side effects:
Side effects when using high doses are essentially gastrointestinal: dryness and bitterness in the mouth, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea. A toxic dose is high, about 75 grams for a person weighing 75 kg. In the case of gastrointestinal symptoms, the dose should be lowered.
Although it is a very safe herb, it should not be used by pregnant women.
Japanese knotweed should not be used with blood thinners. Using this herb should be stopped ten days before a planned surgery.
You can buy Japanese knotweed here