Zinc is a micronutrient necessary for the proper functioning of the body. In the human body, it appears as a trace element, in the amount of only 1.5 to 2.2 grams. It occurs in tissues, blood, cells and bones. Zinc is a component of approximately 80 enzymes that are produced in our body. It participates in such processes as energy production, metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, protein synthesis and lysis, nucleic acid synthesis and amino acid production. Zinc is a microelement necessary for the proper development of the brain and function of the central nervous system, and its deficiency is associated with neurological dysfunctions. Zinc also has a protective effect on neurons and within the hippocampus against damage from quinoline acid. Quinoline acid is a powerful neurotoxin of the central nervous system, including secreted by the Borrelia bacteria.Too little zinc also increases the likelihood of depression and anxiety.
Zinc, like manganese or copper, is part of the superoxide dismutase (SOD) – one of the major antioxidants.
This element also affects the proper functioning of the immune system. Zinc stimulates thymus to secrete thymulin. This hormone is responsible for the production of T cells, immune cells directly involved in the fight against microorganisms. It also helps relieve the symptoms of autoimmune diseases.Furthermore, zinc makes it possible to maintain the optimal concentration of vitamin A in the blood and participates in the process of bone mineralization and tissue regeneration.
In addition to the above properties, zinc is responsible for:
- stimulating the work of the pancreas, takes part in the formation of insulin, which supports treatment of diabetes,
- stimulates prostate work, counteracts prostate diseases,
- beneficial effects on fertility,
- regulates menstruation,
- supports treatment of hypothyroidism,
- improves intellectual performance,
- supports the treatment of depression,
- prevents dementia,
- alleviates symptoms of osteoporosis, haemorrhoids, intestinal inflammation, peptic ulcer disease,
- protects the macula of retinae against degeneration,
- reduces the feeling of ringing in the ears,
- accelerates wound healing, alleviates skin irritations,
- strengthens nails and hair,
- is effective in the treatment of rosacea and juvenile acne, burns, and pimples.
Symptoms of zinc deficiencies:
The most common symptoms of zinc deficiencies are:
- hair loss,
- breaking nails,
- skin diseases,
- dryness in mouth,
- reduction of libido,
- susceptibility to viral infections,
- memory deterioration,
- feeling of weariness,
- loss of apetite,
- loss of smell and taste,
- lower tolerance to alcohol.
Sources of zinc in food
Most people have too little zinc in the body because it is in products that we eat rarely and in small quantities. Zinc occurs mostly in oysters and clams. In addition, this element is also found in such products as: nuts, pumpkin seeds, peas, whole grains, liver and beef.
Supplementation with zinc:
Supplements which contain zinc:
Zinc (Pikolinian) 15 mg, 120 tablets (Oxford Vitality) – product available here
Zinc 30 mg, 250 capsules (Swanson) – product available here
Zinc 60 servings (Formeds) – product available here
Preparations with zinc should not be used in case of renal failure.